About me, the traveler


Trip 1 - India, Nepal, and China

Trip 2 - Southeast Asia

Trip 3 - Mongolia to Eastern Europe

Trip 4 - Middle South America

Trip 5 - Southern Africa

Trip 6 - Scandinavia, the Baltics, and Greenland

Trip 7 - The Balkans

Trip 8 - Morocco and Southern Spain

Trip 9 - Western India

Trip 10 - Outer Indochina

Trip 11 - Ethiopia and Dubai

Trip 12 - Iceland

Trip 13 - Japan

Trip 14 - Caucasus

Trip 15 - Central & East Asia

Trip 16 - Inner Indochina and Japan

Tales From the Tour (a running travelogue)

Top-five lists

New York City excursions

Cheap East Coast bus alternatives


Travel Links

Lonely Planet Share information with other travelers, read about exciting destinations, and order Lonely Planet’s terrific guidebooks
Tibet - The Internet Travel Guide Practical information for those with a yen for Tibet
The Budget Traveller's Guide to Sleeping in Airports When that $5 hostel is just too expensive
New York City Transit Authority How to get around New York City
Oanda Currency Converter Exchange rates for 164 currencies as of any date since 1990
Travellerspoint.com A place to archive where you've been, keep in touch while you're away, and hook up with travelers you've lost track of.