About me, the traveler


Trip 1 - India, Nepal, and China

Trip 2 - Southeast Asia

Trip 3 - Mongolia to Eastern Europe

Trip 4 - Middle South America

Trip 5 - Southern Africa

Trip 6 - Scandinavia, the Baltics, and Greenland

Trip 7 - The Balkans

Trip 8 - Morocco and Southern Spain

Trip 9 - Western India

Trip 10 - Outer Indochina

Trip 11 - Ethiopia and Dubai

Trip 12 - Iceland

Trip 13 - Japan

Trip 14 - Caucasus

Trip 15 - Central & East Asia

Trip 16 - Inner Indochina and Japan

Tales From the Tour (a running travelogue)

Top-five lists

New York City excursions

Cheap East Coast bus alternatives


Trip 11 - Ethiopia and Dubai

17 February 2008 to 20 March 2008

It was time for Africa again - this time to see whether the Ethiopian food in Ethiopia is any different from the Ethiopian food in New York City. In fact, it's about the same. The food I was ready for, but the intense experiences were a shock. Dubai was an afterthought - the best route to Ethiopia was with Emirates, so how could I resist a few days in what's probably the world's most outrageous city?

Message #1 The long Hayk between Addis Ababa and Lalibela
Message #2 How to get to Axum and buy an ox
Message #3 The slow boat to Bahir Dar
Message #4 Abyssinia in all the old familiar places
Message #5 Dubai epilogue: Outrageous